Industrial Advisory Council

Industrial Partnerships Impact School

The Chemical Engineering Industrial Advisory Council (IAC) was initiated in 1988 through the leadership support of senior executives from Abbott Laboratories, Air Products and Chemicals, Amoco, Dow Chemical and Quantum Chemical.

Today the ChE IAC remains a partnership of leading corporations with the School of Chemical Engineering to advance and improve the education and professional preparation of chemical engineers who will meet the needs of industry in the 21st century.

To ensure that the School is the premier source of well-educated and well-prepared chemical engineers in the world, faculty, staff, and students rely on the partnership, advice and input of the council members. Most importantly, these corporations have provided financial support for curriculum innovations, experimental facilities enhancements, instructional computing facilities and start-up support for young faculty.

We thank the following companies for their continued support of the School and their involvement in the Chemical Engineering Industrial Advisory Council.